Major business reforms:
Reforms mark Saudi Arabia on the global competitiveness map:
The National Competitiveness Center is the institutional arm of the government of Saudi Arabia at the forefront of the government’s reform efforts to create a favorable business environment to strengthen the global competitiveness of the Saudi economy.
Established in 2019 under the Council for Economic and Development Affairs (CEDA), the NCC forms an integral component of the arsenal of reforms that the Kingdom has put in place to support Vision 2030, the Kingdom’s flagship national development strategy.
NCC Objectives:
The National Competitiveness Center has six main objectives:
Identify the bottlenecks and challenges facing investors and businesses and propose reforms to address them.
Support government entities’ implementation of reforms.
Track and analyze Saudi Arabia’s performance on global indicators and develop cross-sectoral actions to address any weaknesses causing underperformance.
Solicit the views, perspectives, and opinions of investors, businesses, and professional organizations on the different dimensions of competitiveness.
Carry out data-driven research on the different dimensions of competitiveness to provide technical advice to influence government strategies, policies and programs, and better guide investors, businesses and entrepreneurs.
Raise awareness among all the stakeholders, including government entities, businesses, entrepreneurs, professional organizations, the multimedia, and the public about the critical importance of competitiveness for the prosperity of the country and long-term sustainability of the economy.
The Kingdom’s reforms to facilitate investments, business creation and expansion and entrepreneurship demonstrate our commitment to a more modern and sustainable economy. But we will have a lot to do.
Our progress to date is being tracked by reputable international development organizations:
World Bank:
Doing Business 2020 - The Top Reformer and Top Improver in the world
MD (Institute for Management Development):
IMD Competitiveness Report 2019 –Highest Improver
WEF(World Economic Forum):
Global Competitiveness Report 2019- Ranked 36
Saudi Arabia’s ranking:
Most competitive among G20
Most competitive country
(up to 13 places)
IMD Main Indictors
in business efficiency (up to 20 places)
in government efficiency
in infrastructure availability (up to 6 places)
IMD Sub-indictors
in general government debt (% GDP)
in export of goods growth
in adaptability of government policy